Mission Accomplished @ the GYM

Dopamine, Cortisol, Lactic Acid - no knowledge needed

When a person goes to ‘the gym’ regularly, and does ‘the diet’, and follows ‘the program’, there is only one way in which that person’s true success at the gym is recognized, no it’s not measure by the amount of pounds lost, nor by the no packs in the abs, or the waist size, nor is it by the bicep/triceps size, nor by the weight bench pressed or squatted in a single rep

the true sense of accomplishment comes only when…..

some another person walks up to the this dedicated Gym’mer and


the advice may be anything, from diet, to form or posture during exercise, or on supplements, anything, it’s when the advice is asked, that is the moment when the Gym’mer will feel accomplished, a sense of getting graduated, a sense of ascendancy is conferred when you turn from being and advice taker to an advice giver.
Go to any gym, and observe the advice giver’s, they are in an element of their own, their face will convey a sense of pride, and they will effortless throw words like lactic acid, dopamine, cortisol, with great authority, and what does this authority flow from? not from a certificate, nor from a book, but just because the front person has asked a query, that act of subjugation confers authority.
and this is because most advice seeker’s are genuine, they really appreciate the person, unlike someone like me, who ask questions, because they genuinely don’t want to look like the person, and seek direction, to what that person is doing and what needs to be avoided!
however in normal terms, people do genuinely admire the person, and hence approach with query, and there is a direct co-relation between how many gym’mer’s are asking queries to the stature of the gym’mer..

Gym Accomplishments

1 Comment

  1. Arun
    February 19, 2022

    You can delete this article from the site, not good as the other ones

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