Ship of Theseus is the one film and the only film where I was part of an audience which gave a standing ovation after the movie ended. It seemed ridiculous at the time, but I guess it very moving for many people. The slow and subtle film however was surprisingly enduring, and a couple of …
The first memory that the trailer of ‘The Disciple’ evoked was ‘Whiplash.’ I thought the movie is a rehash for an Indianized version. But the brand of Chaitanya Tamhane (Court, 2014) was enough for giving it a try. Some parallels do exist. The Guruji of ‘The Disciple’ is a hard taskmaster like Fletcher (Whiplash). Both …
Following any sport is akin to being a wine aficionado. You are always chasing a sensation, the sensation when a good wine had tickled your senses. You are chasing that high, that explosion of flavors. A true connoisseur of wine knows the price tag or the age of the seal are immaterial. Sometimes an off …