Regardless of the history of Arsenal defeating Burnley in the last minute over since Burnley’s rise to the premier league, and that Alexis Sanchez has always either scored or assisted in those last minute wins, it still is nerve racking to watch a last minute penalty , three points at stake over a single kick …
Information Overload “अरे समीर, आज कसा काय आलास?”, काकूंनी विचारले. चेहऱ्यावरचे हावभाव बघितले तर कळाले नसते की नक्की प्रश्न कोणाला पडला आहे, काकूंना की समीरला! नेहमीप्रमाणे चेतनने दोन्ही पार्टीना अंधारात ठेवले होते. चेतन समीरला “तू ये” एवढेच बोलला होता आणि चेतन बोलवत आहे म्हणजे काहीतरी टाईमपासच असणार या हिशोबाने समीर पण आला. त्यामुळे उत्तर काय …
Just Imagine a teacher who would just pull out her guns and shoot you in a split second,, just like it was one of those Clint Eastwood Cowboy movies.. Bang, Bang, you are dead.. Nazia Ruby, was by far the most dynamic lady teacher of my Crescent History. So fast, and so much into your …