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The new Ittefaq is certainly more sleek, coherent, in it’s storyline compared to the 1969 classic, After all, how does a suspected schizophrenic, an established murderer, allowed to roam with his own cigarette lighter. He is stripped of all possessions, is having jail like numbered clothes, even though he is technically in a mental hospital, …
Mythology or Ithasaa are just labels, and some might find it controversial if I attach Jyotish to a similar placeholder. Jyotish entwines mythological fables in its narration and allows exploration of the human condition. One such fable rises from the highly celebrated ‘Ramayana.’ The prime antagonist of the epic, Ravan. Ravan is a study of contradictions, the …
Like the title divided in two languages, the movie can also be seen as a tale of two halves. One is raw, exciting, refreshing, and the other is slow, tiring…. with a smart ending! Over the years, Anurag Kashyap has created a brand for his ‘real’, ‘hard-hitting’ cinema, and as with any brand, we have …