Our Goal

Moving Away from Blind Faith

Understand, Explore and YOU decide

In today’s day and age, especially if you are born in India, you cannot escape astrology. Each and every one of us is recommended an astrologer at least once in our lives. A mystical solution to all our problems: personal, professional, health issues, every kind of issue that a human might face.
Each one of us is a few yards skeptic, a few yards believer. Very few can form a hardened skeptic view. Even those who develop such a view find it challenging to hold on to their opinions, especially when they hit choppy waters in their lives.

The great Pu La Deshpande has memorably stated that getting a good astrologer should be in your stars. He has humorously critiqued the stream of Jyotish practice by playing on the misconceptions of a believer and the dubious means employed by the Jyotishi (Astrologer).
Though underpinned by humor, he has managed to shine a light on a fundamental problem. The believer approaching the Jyotishi for their issues has not understood what exactly astrology can do for them. The Jyotishi exploits this very ignorance and manipulates their client for their own ends.

Astrology needs to be understood in a context, just like Yoga. Yoga has an extensive philosophy behind it. Yoga prescriptions range from the mundane, like when to eat, sleep, to the most profound philosophical thought, of how human existence plays in the larger scheme of cosmic reality. Now, without understanding the core philosophy, if someone practices the asanas, at best, they are getting exercise. Calling one hour twice a week practitioner as a Yogi is belittling the point.
Similarly, Astrology needs to be seen in the context of its philosophy. At the surface, Astrology subscribes to the karmic philosophy and the concept of birth and re-birth. Without understanding the underlying concepts, if you rush to an Astrologer for a quick fix remedy for your current problem, again, you are defeating the purpose.

Through the series of dialogues, our intention is to make you aware of Astrology’s core concepts.

Once you understand the concepts and become skeptical of the underlying logic, then it will help you maintain your skeptical view in the worst of times. After all, good skepticism needs to be based on reasoned knowledge rather than on prejudiced opinion.

Similarly, suppose you understand the concept and remain a believer. In that case, your next meeting with a Jyotishi will be more fruitful. You will have the right questions to ask when you meet your Jyotishi. At least, the Jyotishi will not be able to deceive you. You will move away from blind faith in their words to somewhat of a reasoned understanding. It might save you money on random stones and colored threads!



An Eclectic Mix

The statement you had to hear was “You make your clothes so dirty”… what were we supposed to do, stop the rain, barricade the wind, what were we, Supermen from Krypton.

Like the title divided in two languages, the movie can also be seen as a tale of two halves. One is raw, exciting, refreshing, and the other is slow, tiring…. with a smart ending! Over the years, Anurag Kashyap has created a brand for his ‘real’, ‘hard-hitting’ cinema, and as with any brand, we have …

Leyden jar: Originally invented in 1745 by Pieter van Musschenbroek at the University of Leiden (Leyden), the Netherlands, it was a device used to build and store static electricity. A Leyden jar consists of a glass jar with an outer and inner metal coating covering the bottom and sides nearly to the neck. A brass rod …