Aptitude Questions

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Aptitude Questions Page IdiagressIn this section you will find questions and topics related to Aptitude Questions

Topics covered are Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude, and Logical reasoning.


Read, Process, Analyze, Answer, Improve

Reading Comprehension

Wide variety of original passages with varying difficulty levels
piketty, adam smith, paul kennedy

 “The rich… divide with the poor the produce of all their improvements. They are led by an invisible hand to make nearly the same distribution of the necessaries of life which would have been made, had the earth been divided into equal proportions among all its inhabitants and thus without intending it, without knowing it, …

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Paris Climate Change

But now that governments have signed up to the unambitious Paris climate agreement and pledged to try to limit greenhouse gas emissions, we must ask whether we have lost sight of everything else. Is the environment just about carbon and parts per million of gases in the atmosphere? What about the environment that we can …

0 240
Story of an hour kate chopkin

Read the Passage below, and answer questions based on the context of the passage Chopin tackles complex issues involved in the interplay of female independence, love, and marriage through her brief but effective characterization of the supposedly widowed Louise Mallard in her last hour of life. After discovering that her husband has died in a …

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Number Crunching Math

Quantitiative Aptitude

Speed, Ratio Proportion, Probability, Alligation, Time and Work, plus many more
Deduction, Abduction, Induction

Logical Reasoning

Arrangements, Puzzles, Direction Test, Series Completion, Data Sufficiency and many more

Random Aptitude Questions



An Eclectic Mix

Following any sport is akin to being a wine aficionado. You are always chasing a sensation, the sensation when a good wine had tickled your senses. You are chasing that high, that explosion of flavors. A true connoisseur of wine knows the price tag or the age of the seal are immaterial. Sometimes an off …

If it is a matter of learning or understanding astrology, the way we understand basic biology, chemistry etc, then the fundamental question is the question of utility? Very relevant as India is in the process of formulating a new education policy. And education is definitely a matter of utility, unless you live in Scandinavia. Why …

Justice league is an attempt of DC universe to create an equivalent Avengers team. In Avengers however, the leader is clear, Iron Man, contrastingly the League is yet to find a leader. Batman after the Nolan trilogy is more human, it takes a huge effort from the villains to knock Iron Man down, Batman falls …