(2008 English language film, shot entirely in the city of Bruges, Belgium. It revolves around three characters. Ray (Colin Farell), a rookie assassin, and his mentor hitman Ken (Brendon Gleeson). Thirdly, their boss, Harry (Ralph Fiennes)) The dark humor laced tale of ‘in Bruges’ revolves around ‘Ray,’ a rookie assassin who accidentally kills a …
continued from part 1 Cut to 2020-21 India’s tour of Australia. India began the test series without Sharma’s key ladke, batting ace Rohit and bowling spearhead Ishant. This was the opening for a string of forced absentees in the Indian team. Next, India’s best bowlers Shami and Umesh Yadav, were injured in the first and …
Mythology or Ithasaa are just labels, and some might find it controversial if I attach Jyotish to a similar placeholder. Jyotish entwines mythological fables in its narration and allows exploration of the human condition. One such fable rises from the highly celebrated ‘Ramayana.’ The prime antagonist of the epic, Ravan. Ravan is a study of contradictions, the …