(2008 English language film, shot entirely in the city of Bruges, Belgium. It revolves around three characters. Ray (Colin Farell), a rookie assassin, and his mentor hitman Ken (Brendon Gleeson). Thirdly, their boss, Harry (Ralph Fiennes)) The dark humor laced tale of ‘in Bruges’ revolves around ‘Ray,’ a rookie assassin who accidentally kills a …
its so odd, people tend to live life, as if it is going last forever, yet almost regularly they hear news of others passing away..of all kinds of age groups, profiles etc, yet they continue to believe in the permanence of life and fail to understand the fragility of it.. similarly, a year began..2012.. it …
I expected Shakuntala Devi, rather, maybe desiring a break from the current doom and gloom around Corona, I wanted Shakuntala Devi to be a cheerful movie. More like Tumhari Sulu, lighthearted, with my ambassador of smiles, Vidyabalan. To a certain degree, Vidyabalan’s smiling posters for the movie reinforced my expectations. Needless to say, Shakuntala Devi …