Dasha is one of the open secrets of astrology in general, mainly used to time events and has uses beyond mere timing of events. Like other aspects of astrology, this too is quite complex. Dasha — the term in Sanskrit has many meanings like period, condition, circumstance, but for astrological purposes, it means planetary (operative) …
In our ‘Bisection’ program designed to calculate the roots of a quadratic equation, we have identified a specific issue. It appears that our program functions correctly when one root is positive and the other is negative. However, when both roots are either positive or negative, our program does not perform efficiently. This situation is technically …
The new Ittefaq is certainly more sleek, coherent, in it’s storyline compared to the 1969 classic, After all, how does a suspected schizophrenic, an established murderer, allowed to roam with his own cigarette lighter. He is stripped of all possessions, is having jail like numbered clothes, even though he is technically in a mental hospital, …