जब ता’लीम का वक़्त था, हम मोहब्बत में मसरूफ़ थे, दुनिया-दारी सीख न पाए, बस बहते ही रह गए, कोई मसला नहीं, क्यूंकि जब वक़्त आया, तो तुम्हींने दुनिया-दारी सीखा दी, काश मै अच्छा तालिब-इल्म ना होता, माद्दियत से बच कर अपनी रूहकी मा’सूमियत महफ़ूज़ रख पाता, मोहब्बत में मसरूफ़, अंटा-ग़फ़ील, मख़्मूर, बेवक़ूफ़, यही हमारी …
Python Installation Python: The Universally Accessible Programming Language Imagine Python as a toolbox full of different tools that you can use to build all sorts of things. It’s like having a magic kit that lets you create anything you can imagine! First off, Python is a free and open toolbox, which means anyone can use …
Some movies have certain quirks in them, that they become the most endearing aspect of the film. This is especially true for a movie like ISHQ, which has no particular plot line and is basically slapstick comedy. The scene that has stayed with me from he film, is the one in which a monkey pulls …