Whenever you visit a old 14th century fort, there is always a section in the fort, a partially collapsed wall, or a stone bridge, or an overhanging arch, around which a warning sign is posted, telling you that, this is a dangerous structure, way past it’s validity and may collapse at any time, so better …
Ever since I have left school, I have never seen (and probably you would also) a teacher of a knotty subject like mathematics, in a lecture, spending more than half of his time, with both thumbs attached firmly to the belt loops in his jeans. He was the cool dude of the school, for him …
I was always a believer in the socio-economic theory that population growth declines with rising education and rising living standards. The crude version of this theory is that poor and illiterate people have more kids. But facts around me belied this theory. Like many in my generation, I have roughly four to five uncles/aunts on …