The new Ittefaq is certainly more sleek, coherent, in it’s storyline compared to the 1969 classic, After all, how does a suspected schizophrenic, an established murderer, allowed to roam with his own cigarette lighter. He is stripped of all possessions, is having jail like numbered clothes, even though he is technically in a mental hospital, …
Let me begin with a cliched story —> Bharat was bright student, always topped his class, tutored his batch mates, never held pride in it. He was studious to the point others idolised him. Soon he was in his life deciding year of 12th std, the dreadful pitstop of life where the exams decide his …
We will be soon moving into a frenzy of celebrations, the biggest, the largest of all, largest on the whole of the earth so to say — Diwali. Diwali is to welcome Shri Ram back to Ayodhya, at least that’s what we are told. Today I see no such thing. Diwali is broadly speaking a …