A historic life adaptation, a philosophical bhel, a downright time pass rom com, a cliched action , and a routine masala, were the flavors of the week.. starting from Hindi blockbuster, to a limited release Hinglish, to a mainstream Hollywood action flick, evened by so so Hindi comic run, and topped by a Marathi com-rom-emo …
One of the ways dystopian future is shown in movies is by way of a sky shot of the world. It is either a dry arid land, or a dilapidated city, or an overcrowded city with significantly poor town planning, with thin alleys etc. The implication is that loss of vegetation, greenery, lakes etc is …
In this part we take a 180° turn to meet his other half, the mystic headless eternal spiritual seeker hiding behind the veils of mist. Where Rahu was the descent into chaos, Ketu is the one who rises from that chaos. Ketu’s story is same as Rahu (read: Decent in Chaos). Quick recap — Samudra …