Initial impressions of Raazi revolve around patriotism veering on the side of jingoism, however what unfolds on the screen is a deeply personal story, of the toll a conflict takes on individuals, questioning the boundaries of faith, love, loyalty, respect and above all duty. The most poignant dialog of the movie is at the end, …
Tune in to a Podcast discussion on the classic movie Rashomon A free wheeling discussion on the classic movie ‘Rashomon’. The podcast discusses the various aspects of the film, the story, the narrative, the underlying philosophy, and takeaways that make Rashomon a must watch classic YouTube SoundCloud
I took the cart, then the gallop then the rope, my bare hands breaking, healing, firming, that grip of mine I climbed, I climbed on As I reach some solace, the stage where I camp, the grimmer greater summit stares down on me, glares at me, mocks me, challenges me the resolve to climb, the …