Unconsequential is a spelling mistake, but really who cares, especially if we are going to talk about the movies that we are going to! First is Rampage, and the first enlightened thought while watching the movie was the realization that Dwyane Johnson (the Rock) is nothing but Mithun with better CGI (Computer Graphics). At conceptual …
During the rewatch, my mind wandered into exploring two questions about the human condition – What is attachment? And What is human motivation? For exploring attachment, we can look at the relationship between ‘Joe’ and ‘Joi.’ The fact that ‘Joe’ is himself a replicant (‘K’), his attachment with a completely virtual creation (‘Joi’) is enlightening. …
After quite a volume of articles on the basics of Jyotish, we must take a pause and explore the necessity or utility of Jyotish. Well, as far as necessity goes, some famous philosopher has remarked about God; if there was no God, then we might have needed to invent God. Or, like the columnist Peter …