In this part we take a 180° turn to meet his other half, the mystic headless eternal spiritual seeker hiding behind the veils of mist. Where Rahu was the descent into chaos, Ketu is the one who rises from that chaos. Ketu’s story is same as Rahu (read: Decent in Chaos). Quick recap — Samudra …
Ever since I have left school, I have never seen (and probably you would also) a teacher of a knotty subject like mathematics, in a lecture, spending more than half of his time, with both thumbs attached firmly to the belt loops in his jeans. He was the cool dude of the school, for him …
Let’s jump directly into some programming. Using concepts learned so far, let’s create a program to calculate the average height of three students ( program to calculate average height of three students # get input of height_a1= float(input(“Enter height of first student (cm): “))_a2= float(input(“Enter height of second student (cm): “))_a3= float(input(“Enter height of …