The heart that Arsenal displayed in match against Manchester United was of a different zone. Can’t believe the same team got run over by Liverpool, gave a scintillating performance. The spirit, the grit, the character, was superlative. Some say I am an eternal optimist, however what I have seen from Arsenal in the last few …
Following any sport is akin to being a wine aficionado. You are always chasing a sensation, the sensation when a good wine had tickled your senses. You are chasing that high, that explosion of flavors. A true connoisseur of wine knows the price tag or the age of the seal are immaterial. Sometimes an off …
When the Gods want to Punish us… They answer our Prayers Oscar Wilde When it comes to punishing its folks, Crescent comes across as one of the most liberal institutions around.. and sometimes the Punishments beg a question, as to whom are exactly the punishments meant for: Crime: Shabbiness Indications: Dirty Clothes (Not Ironed), Dirty …