If you live in India and have not seen ‘Drishyam,’ you have waived all your rights to be called a film appreciator, nor can you call yourself a simple filmgoer. Better find a rock, and start living under it. Drishyam originally is a 2013 Malayalam language thriller. ‘Originally’ because this movie was remade in other …
It’s unsportsmanlike to complain of ref decisions, and yes, over the course of a season, it evens out, still, when it spoils a well-balanced game, it is disappointing. The off side was off side, even Silva knew it! Yes, Arsenal players should not have waited for the decision, and blocked him off, nevertheless it dampened …
Start calling SadeSati (SS) a blessing, and people will believe you have gone nuts. However, today’s minority opinion is surprisingly the Seer’s opinion who composed the fundamentals of Jyotish! SadeSati’s literal translation is seven and a half. Then, why is it associated with so much dread? Well, this seven and half year period is ruled …