yellow yellow… dirty fellow… sitting on a buffalo The greatest riddle that one can encounter is that, “how is it, that the first rhyme that students of Crescent High School, Pune, manage to learn is yellow yellow..when the rhyme is actually making a mockery of themselves” Alternating Yellow(P) and White(S) form the basic backbone of …
There is a reason that Jason Statham will never make it to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) nor the DC Universe, and the movie ‘The Meg’ showcases it perfectly. The reason is : Jason Statham is a super hero just because he is ‘Jason Statham’. He does not need a radioactive disaster or even alien …
Growing up in the ’90s has impacted my psyche to love TV series with limited episodes/seasons instead of the daily soap. Be it Karamchand, Circus, Mr. Yogi, Byomkesh Bakshi, and so on. I know they had one episode per week, but that exactly has made its roots in my outlook towards the series. I took …