(2008 English language film, shot entirely in the city of Bruges, Belgium. It revolves around three characters. Ray (Colin Farell), a rookie assassin, and his mentor hitman Ken (Brendon Gleeson). Thirdly, their boss, Harry (Ralph Fiennes)) The dark humor laced tale of ‘in Bruges’ revolves around ‘Ray,’ a rookie assassin who accidentally kills a …
Sometimes the goose that lays the golden egg must die, especially when the goose in question is a TV series. Popularity (profitability) comes in the way of creative satisfaction, wherein the TV series meanders, shelling out screen time after it has a hooked viewership, and just because we like the characters and the setting, we …
Why do researchers prefer certain problems for continued research than others? The key query is, what is the value proposition in the choice of a particular research topic for pursuit. The common sense answer could be that the choice is dictated by the value of the solution, in terms of money, in terms of fame, …