Information Overload “अरे समीर, आज कसा काय आलास?”, काकूंनी विचारले. चेहऱ्यावरचे हावभाव बघितले तर कळाले नसते की नक्की प्रश्न कोणाला पडला आहे, काकूंना की समीरला! नेहमीप्रमाणे चेतनने दोन्ही पार्टीना अंधारात ठेवले होते. चेतन समीरला “तू ये” एवढेच बोलला होता आणि चेतन बोलवत आहे म्हणजे काहीतरी टाईमपासच असणार या हिशोबाने समीर पण आला. त्यामुळे उत्तर काय …
Ship of Theseus is the one film and the only film where I was part of an audience which gave a standing ovation after the movie ended. It seemed ridiculous at the time, but I guess it very moving for many people. The slow and subtle film however was surprisingly enduring, and a couple of …
Whenever you visit a old 14th century fort, there is always a section in the fort, a partially collapsed wall, or a stone bridge, or an overhanging arch, around which a warning sign is posted, telling you that, this is a dangerous structure, way past it’s validity and may collapse at any time, so better …