When the Gods want to Punish us… They answer our Prayers Oscar Wilde When it comes to punishing its folks, Crescent comes across as one of the most liberal institutions around.. and sometimes the Punishments beg a question, as to whom are exactly the punishments meant for: Crime: Shabbiness Indications: Dirty Clothes (Not Ironed), Dirty …
yellow yellow… dirty fellow… sitting on a buffalo The greatest riddle that one can encounter is that, “how is it, that the first rhyme that students of Crescent High School, Pune, manage to learn is yellow yellow..when the rhyme is actually making a mockery of themselves” Alternating Yellow(P) and White(S) form the basic backbone of …
For years I wondered why can’t Bollywood showcase the kind of action scenes in Hollywood, helicopter chases, high end action the likes of Mission Impossible, Fast and Furious. The movie WAR is an answer to all such queries with a Desi Tadka, after all you have Hritik Roshan and Tiger Shroff in the movie! So …