Let’s get started by creating a basic Python program to ensure that your Python installation is working correctly. Before we dive into programming, let’s discuss some effective organization practices. Rather than placing all your Python files in a single cluttered folder, it’s beneficial to create a structured system. Here’s how you can start: Folder Organization: …
In the previous chapter, we explored different data types and carried out algebraic operations. We created a simple Python program to calculate the area of a circle with the radius as an input. Now, let’s put these concepts into practice by solving another problem – the problem of ages. Amita and Madhur are two sisters. …
Undoing of Rebel The comments I make could be considered by many as sacrilege. But before that an anecdote here. In Pune, we have a place called Koregaon Park, wherein many oddities of culture survive. It is in this area where during the late nineties and early noughts you could find Kinetic Honda vehicles with …