Two movies based on true events, two movies gunning for the Oscars, two movies with splendid actors, two movies on historical choices having great significance for today’s world, hence, I decided to watch the two movies on consecutive days! It is as if both movies were competing for the title of ‘shortest timeline’, The Post …
In this part we take a 180° turn to meet his other half, the mystic headless eternal spiritual seeker hiding behind the veils of mist. Where Rahu was the descent into chaos, Ketu is the one who rises from that chaos. Ketu’s story is same as Rahu (read: Decent in Chaos). Quick recap — Samudra …
I took the cart, then the gallop then the rope, my bare hands breaking, healing, firming, that grip of mine I climbed, I climbed on As I reach some solace, the stage where I camp, the grimmer greater summit stares down on me, glares at me, mocks me, challenges me the resolve to climb, the …