(2008 English language film, shot entirely in the city of Bruges, Belgium. It revolves around three characters. Ray (Colin Farell), a rookie assassin, and his mentor hitman Ken (Brendon Gleeson). Thirdly, their boss, Harry (Ralph Fiennes)) The dark humor laced tale of ‘in Bruges’ revolves around ‘Ray,’ a rookie assassin who accidentally kills a …
October is essentially ‘a film’. It is not a story, it cannot be a novel, it can only be a film. Visuals are the soul of the film, no powerful dialog, none of the excessively dramatic performances we are accustomed to in a hindi film, here the film conveys everything in a subtle sublime manner. …
Growing up in the ’90s has impacted my psyche to love TV series with limited episodes/seasons instead of the daily soap. Be it Karamchand, Circus, Mr. Yogi, Byomkesh Bakshi, and so on. I know they had one episode per week, but that exactly has made its roots in my outlook towards the series. I took …