Snowpiercer is your garden variety sci fi movie. Misdirected science ushers in the apocalypse, in this case a super ice age. Noah’s train houses all that is left of humanity, however this no biblical story, hence it has tyrant, an upsurging hero, good vs the bad, drama, intelligent lines along the way, a few scientific …
Mythology or Ithasaa are just labels, and some might find it controversial if I attach Jyotish to a similar placeholder. Jyotish entwines mythological fables in its narration and allows exploration of the human condition. One such fable rises from the highly celebrated ‘Ramayana.’ The prime antagonist of the epic, Ravan. Ravan is a study of contradictions, the …
Start calling SadeSati (SS) a blessing, and people will believe you have gone nuts. However, today’s minority opinion is surprisingly the Seer’s opinion who composed the fundamentals of Jyotish! SadeSati’s literal translation is seven and a half. Then, why is it associated with so much dread? Well, this seven and half year period is ruled …