In the season of rehash/remake/reinterpret we have a new film Tomb Raider. It’s of the genre of Video Game Films (if we can define such a genre) and is the third such movie, others are Jumanji and Assasin’s Creed. Well Jumanji is not really video game to movie, however you can consider it in the …
Sometimes the goose that lays the golden egg must die, especially when the goose in question is a TV series. Popularity (profitability) comes in the way of creative satisfaction, wherein the TV series meanders, shelling out screen time after it has a hooked viewership, and just because we like the characters and the setting, we …
After watching Endgame I could not help but feel that the whole Avengers series is Hollywood’s answer to 1990’s Govinda Films! Tacky clothes, deliberate gimmicks bordering on slapstick comedy, massy entertainment, jokes and scenes you enjoy in the moment. And like the Govinda films, I am sure a couple of decades later we are all …