Animation films have a way of making deep philosophical commentary, using simple story line and a premise relying on fantasy. Surprisingly, the same fantasy poses an important question for us the the viewer Wall-E Wall-E did it with a simple plot, humorous gags, exciting climax, and yet under all that it posed an important question, …
Following any sport is akin to being a wine aficionado. You are always chasing a sensation, the sensation when a good wine had tickled your senses. You are chasing that high, that explosion of flavors. A true connoisseur of wine knows the price tag or the age of the seal are immaterial. Sometimes an off …
“How does it feel? the cold blade to your warm jugular?” with grin Ritr asked Ndra as held his sword to the battered King’s throat. “I can feel your blood flow slowing down, with each pulse,” “you or your ..” tried to speak the Great Ndra gathering energy from his body. As he spoke he …