हमने जो की थी मोहब्बत , आज भी है तेरी ज़ुल्फो के साये की चाहत आज भी है , रात काट टी है आज भी खयालो में तेरे , दीवानो सी वोह मेरी हालत आज भी है , किसी और के तसव्वुर को उठती नहीं , बेईमान आँखों में थोड़ी सी शराफत आज भी है …
I was always a believer in the socio-economic theory that population growth declines with rising education and rising living standards. The crude version of this theory is that poor and illiterate people have more kids. But facts around me belied this theory. Like many in my generation, I have roughly four to five uncles/aunts on …
One of the ways dystopian future is shown in movies is by way of a sky shot of the world. It is either a dry arid land, or a dilapidated city, or an overcrowded city with significantly poor town planning, with thin alleys etc. The implication is that loss of vegetation, greenery, lakes etc is …