The curiosity awakens further contd from part 1 Usually a SLAP and a BAM Stick would have been the end of any kind of situation at Crescent High School,, however this was DEFCON 5, a magazine, glossy one, with photos was available, hence the matter was escalated.. the rest of us were asked to disperse …
Whiplash is one of those movies, where, the first viewing is not enough, it requires many subsequent viewings, each proving more insight than the previous viewing. At first glance, the movie seems to have straight forward plot. The story revolves around two central characters, an Instructor and his student. It primarily depicts a clash between …
Continued from Part 01 Let’s go bit’ Freud’ on Shvetaketu. While growing in the ashram of seer Uddhalaka, he had another companion named Ashtavakra. This Ashtavakra grew up to becomeone of the greatest sages. His works like Ashtavakra Gita and Ashtavakra Samhita explore topics like the nature of metaphysical existence and the meaning of individual …