If it is a matter of learning or understanding astrology, the way we understand basic biology, chemistry etc, then the fundamental question is the question of utility? Very relevant as India is in the process of formulating a new education policy. And education is definitely a matter of utility, unless you live in Scandinavia. Why …
Jewel Thief is one of those movies I patiently watch from start to end without forwarding scenes or jumping songs. The fruit of the whole exercise is in that one scene when Shalini (Vyjayantimala) tells Vinaay (Dev Anand), “तुम्हें अभी तक मालूम नहीं हुआ !!” (You still have not realized !!) Dev Anand is his …
Animation films have a way of making deep philosophical commentary, using simple story line and a premise relying on fantasy. Surprisingly, the same fantasy poses an important question for us the the viewer Wall-E Wall-E did it with a simple plot, humorous gags, exciting climax, and yet under all that it posed an important question, …