Ship of Theseus is the one film and the only film where I was part of an audience which gave a standing ovation after the movie ended. It seemed ridiculous at the time, but I guess it very moving for many people. The slow and subtle film however was surprisingly enduring, and a couple of …
“Father, we need to take sides “Herngya clenching his fists he spoke to his father “It’s not easy to side, I just can’t walk into death’s arms” waving his hands in in air Agpti avoided eye contact with Herngyaa. “This is our chance father. Long we have served Great Ndra, long have we been …
Binge watching needs a separate category now and series should be ranked in terms of their ‘Binge watchable ness’. This is because binge watching exposes certain facets of a series especially when it comes to ‘fast forward’ parts. I go for binge watching series only when their run is completed, I began with first season …