The Chess board is in Play now, as significant pieces will move on Sunday November 5th, 2017 One of the main topics of discussion with the approaching match against Manchester City is how should Arsenal play?. It is an indication of change of fortunes because a decade ago the question would have been how should …
Today we will discuss Johannes Kepler, the scientist best known for his Laws of Planetary Motion. In the Hindi movie ‘OMG,’ Kanjibhai (an atheist) sues God after his “antique” shop is destroyed by an earthquake, and the insurance company refuses his claim because the quake was “an act of God.” Kanjibhai decides to file a …
In colloquial Marathi, we have a phrase, (तुझी उंची किती तु करतोयस काय ) which loosely translates as — How tall you are and what are you attempting to do. An evident mismatch between ability and intention. And a perfect example of it is Arsenal, the skill it has, and the way they want to …