Whenever you visit a old 14th century fort, there is always a section in the fort, a partially collapsed wall, or a stone bridge, or an overhanging arch, around which a warning sign is posted, telling you that, this is a dangerous structure, way past it’s validity and may collapse at any time, so better …
Dasha is one of the open secrets of astrology in general, mainly used to time events and has uses beyond mere timing of events. Like other aspects of astrology, this too is quite complex. Dasha — the term in Sanskrit has many meanings like period, condition, circumstance, but for astrological purposes, it means planetary (operative) …
You would have heard the term Rahu Kala (Rahu Kalam) a lot, if not a lot, at least in some movie or some god-fearing grandmother scaring you with it. This Rahu Kala or the Rahu’s operating period during a day brings fear in many. It is the time of the day that is under the …