Leyden jar: Originally invented in 1745 by Pieter van Musschenbroek at the University of Leiden (Leyden), the Netherlands, it was a device used to build and store static electricity. A Leyden jar consists of a glass jar with an outer and inner metal coating covering the bottom and sides nearly to the neck. A brass rod …
In this part we take a 180° turn to meet his other half, the mystic headless eternal spiritual seeker hiding behind the veils of mist. Where Rahu was the descent into chaos, Ketu is the one who rises from that chaos. Ketu’s story is same as Rahu (read: Decent in Chaos). Quick recap — Samudra …
During the rewatch, my mind wandered into exploring two questions about the human condition – What is attachment? And What is human motivation? For exploring attachment, we can look at the relationship between ‘Joe’ and ‘Joi.’ The fact that ‘Joe’ is himself a replicant (‘K’), his attachment with a completely virtual creation (‘Joi’) is enlightening. …