Someone very wise has remarked, ‘Something is a sport only when the other side knows that there is a game on’. And by this definition hunting is NOT a sport. Hunting for food is an activity, hunting for pleasure in this modern-day and age can be achieved by a nice simulation in a video game. …
The previous article, had a broadside attack on the ideas of Science, with a specific mention of the currently raging ‘Corona’. At the outset I am compelled to defend science for what it is, Science is Brave. Science is humble, it professes to understand very little, and exposes itself by saying it does not know many …
Ship of Theseus is the one film and the only film where I was part of an audience which gave a standing ovation after the movie ended. It seemed ridiculous at the time, but I guess it very moving for many people. The slow and subtle film however was surprisingly enduring, and a couple of …