Snowpiercer is your garden variety sci fi movie. Misdirected science ushers in the apocalypse, in this case a super ice age. Noah’s train houses all that is left of humanity, however this no biblical story, hence it has tyrant, an upsurging hero, good vs the bad, drama, intelligent lines along the way, a few scientific …
Justice league is an attempt of DC universe to create an equivalent Avengers team. In Avengers however, the leader is clear, Iron Man, contrastingly the League is yet to find a leader. Batman after the Nolan trilogy is more human, it takes a huge effort from the villains to knock Iron Man down, Batman falls …
You might have mixed feelings about his management, or the current direction of the club. However, I cannot help but admire the resilience shown by Arsene Wenger. Faced with a barrage of criticism, under performing team, every headline discussing his replacement, and yet Arsene Wenger has maintained decorum, quite statesmanlike. Imagine a Murhinio facing such …