yellow yellow… dirty fellow… sitting on a buffalo The greatest riddle that one can encounter is that, “how is it, that the first rhyme that students of Crescent High School, Pune, manage to learn is yellow yellow..when the rhyme is actually making a mockery of themselves” Alternating Yellow(P) and White(S) form the basic backbone of …
In this part we take a 180° turn to meet his other half, the mystic headless eternal spiritual seeker hiding behind the veils of mist. Where Rahu was the descent into chaos, Ketu is the one who rises from that chaos. Ketu’s story is same as Rahu (read: Decent in Chaos). Quick recap — Samudra …
I am assuming most of you would have heard this term at least once. Also, pretty certain that a vast majority of you, are confused about it’s exact meaning. This (in)famous yog comes a lot during the marriage consultations and has been blamed a lot in almost 95% of cases as a marriage breaker. But …