Dear Arsène, I became an Arsenal fan in 1999 and you are the only Arsenal manager that I have known. You stepping down is quite the shocker for someone like me, Arsène and Arsenal were synonyms for fans like us. People may talk about the trophies you won, pin you down to winning stats, however …
Dasha is one of the open secrets of astrology in general, mainly used to time events and has uses beyond mere timing of events. Like other aspects of astrology, this too is quite complex. Dasha — the term in Sanskrit has many meanings like period, condition, circumstance, but for astrological purposes, it means planetary (operative) …
Undoing of Rebel The comments I make could be considered by many as sacrilege. But before that an anecdote here. In Pune, we have a place called Koregaon Park, wherein many oddities of culture survive. It is in this area where during the late nineties and early noughts you could find Kinetic Honda vehicles with …