Creators from ‘Bat in the Sun’ have used crowdfunding (IndieGoGo) for their project “Batman: Dying is Easy.” It is a rather well-made short movie. If we want to search, we might find some dissatisfaction with the acting, but the VFX is almost flawless. The short film is a battle of wits, focusing more on …
During the rewatch, my mind wandered into exploring two questions about the human condition – What is attachment? And What is human motivation? For exploring attachment, we can look at the relationship between ‘Joe’ and ‘Joi.’ The fact that ‘Joe’ is himself a replicant (‘K’), his attachment with a completely virtual creation (‘Joi’) is enlightening. …
Binge watching needs a separate category now and series should be ranked in terms of their ‘Binge watchable ness’. This is because binge watching exposes certain facets of a series especially when it comes to ‘fast forward’ parts. I go for binge watching series only when their run is completed, I began with first season …