आपली स्मरणशक्ती फार फसवी असते. मागच्याच रविवारी दामूच्या लग्नात खाल्लेला मेनू आठवत नाही, पण लहानपणी रद्दीचे पैसे जोडून खाल्लेल्या मस्तानीची चव क्षणात जिभेवर येते. कोथरूडच्या उद्यानाला मी निदान पंधरा-वीस वेळा गेलो असेल, पण मला आठवते ती आमची तिसरीतली सहल. पु ल म्हणूनच गेले आहेत, मुंबई आणि पुणे हे सोडून जगात पाहण्यासारखे तरी काय आहे! आमच्या …
Read the Passage below, and answer questions based on the context of the passage Chopin tackles complex issues involved in the interplay of female independence, love, and marriage through her brief but effective characterization of the supposedly widowed Louise Mallard in her last hour of life. After discovering that her husband has died in a …
It’s unsportsmanlike to complain of ref decisions, and yes, over the course of a season, it evens out, still, when it spoils a well-balanced game, it is disappointing. The off side was off side, even Silva knew it! Yes, Arsenal players should not have waited for the decision, and blocked him off, nevertheless it dampened …