Snowpiercer is your garden variety sci fi movie. Misdirected science ushers in the apocalypse, in this case a super ice age. Noah’s train houses all that is left of humanity, however this no biblical story, hence it has tyrant, an upsurging hero, good vs the bad, drama, intelligent lines along the way, a few scientific …
Like the title divided in two languages, the movie can also be seen as a tale of two halves. One is raw, exciting, refreshing, and the other is slow, tiring…. with a smart ending! Over the years, Anurag Kashyap has created a brand for his ‘real’, ‘hard-hitting’ cinema, and as with any brand, we have …
Note: This article is intended as an introduction of terms for understanding Jyotish. We are not trying to teach deep aspects of Jyotish though this article Most of us at some time or the other, must have wondered about ‘why’ certain things are represented in Jyotish as they currently are. Like, Why are there 12 …