Initial impressions of Raazi revolve around patriotism veering on the side of jingoism, however what unfolds on the screen is a deeply personal story, of the toll a conflict takes on individuals, questioning the boundaries of faith, love, loyalty, respect and above all duty. The most poignant dialog of the movie is at the end, …
Python Installation Python: The Universally Accessible Programming Language Imagine Python as a toolbox full of different tools that you can use to build all sorts of things. It’s like having a magic kit that lets you create anything you can imagine! First off, Python is a free and open toolbox, which means anyone can use …
हमने जो की थी मोहब्बत , आज भी है तेरी ज़ुल्फो के साये की चाहत आज भी है , रात काट टी है आज भी खयालो में तेरे , दीवानो सी वोह मेरी हालत आज भी है , किसी और के तसव्वुर को उठती नहीं , बेईमान आँखों में थोड़ी सी शराफत आज भी है …