I am not sure if the movie has silenced the critics, however it sure did silence the audience at the theater! There was complete silence in the theater as the movie ended (more silence than the quiet place) as everyone was in shock as Thanos terminated half of the MCU by snap of his fingers. …
I am assuming most of you would have heard this term at least once. Also, pretty certain that a vast majority of you, are confused about it’s exact meaning. This (in)famous yog comes a lot during the marriage consultations and has been blamed a lot in almost 95% of cases as a marriage breaker. But …
I was watching Nawazuddin’s interview online in which he was speaking passionately about his movie Raman Raghav 2.0. He expected the movie to do well. However the interviewer was bemused, as the dark movie showed killing of a young child and how can you expect such a dark movie to do well with Indian audiences! …