‘Ok Computer’ is precisely the kind of series I would have imagined as a fourteen-year-old. Remember, for an Indian kid of the nineties, the Sci-Fi benchmark was Captain Vyom. The show’s biggest USP were sliding doors, which we later came to know were manually operated. We cannot imagine an incredibly slick Sci-Fi on a tight …
I was always a believer in the socio-economic theory that population growth declines with rising education and rising living standards. The crude version of this theory is that poor and illiterate people have more kids. But facts around me belied this theory. Like many in my generation, I have roughly four to five uncles/aunts on …
The one-word argument against the European Super League is that it is ‘unfair.’ For this argument to have any sway, things should be ‘fair’ the way they are. Are they? To explore this argument, let us look at the clubs from the Premier League that had agreed to be part of the European Super League …