‘Ok Computer’ is precisely the kind of series I would have imagined as a fourteen-year-old. Remember, for an Indian kid of the nineties, the Sci-Fi benchmark was Captain Vyom. The show’s biggest USP were sliding doors, which we later came to know were manually operated. We cannot imagine an incredibly slick Sci-Fi on a tight …
Some movies have certain quirks in them, that they become the most endearing aspect of the film. This is especially true for a movie like ISHQ, which has no particular plot line and is basically slapstick comedy. The scene that has stayed with me from he film, is the one in which a monkey pulls …
Vyasa’s epic tale becomes more menacing as it moves from Dvapur Yuga to Kali Yuga. Honor has left the stage; warriors don’t face each other by the rules of war; instead, they scheme via proxies and assassins. At one level, you might think that this is a simple re-telling of the tale in a modern …