The most amazing part of Luther is it’s gripping story line and it’s equally gripping characters. The central character of ‘Luther’ played by Idris Alba, is just amazing, the range of emotions he displays in the drama is amazing, and opposite him is an equally astonishing character of ‘Alice Morgan’ played by Ruth Wilson. Luther …
The new Ittefaq is certainly more sleek, coherent, in it’s storyline compared to the 1969 classic, After all, how does a suspected schizophrenic, an established murderer, allowed to roam with his own cigarette lighter. He is stripped of all possessions, is having jail like numbered clothes, even though he is technically in a mental hospital, …
प्राधान्यक्रम नेहमीप्रमाणे रविवार सकाळ (साधारण ११:४५ ), आळस आवरत चंपक उठला , तोंड धुवत त्याची नजर बंड्याकडे गेली . बंडोपंत कपबोर्ड मधली पुस्तके आवरून ठेवत होते. चंपकने माफक प्रश्न विचारला ” काय बंड्या, काय करतोय चला जरा नाश्ता पाणीच बघुयात ?” बंड्याने आपल्या नेहमीच्या पुढारी भाषेत उत्तर दिले, ”अहो चंपक राव, कधीतरी खाण्या पिण्याच्या पुढे …