Animation films have a way of making deep philosophical commentary, using simple story line and a premise relying on fantasy. Surprisingly, the same fantasy poses an important question for us the the viewer Wall-E Wall-E did it with a simple plot, humorous gags, exciting climax, and yet under all that it posed an important question, …
(with inputs from Mr Siddharth Khare) Baby Steps to start a New Diet The main problem with rigorous ‘Dieting’ is that it typically fails within 5 weeks or so, and main reason for the failure is mental fortitude. Your brain and body does not adapt to the random stress put on it and pushes you …
I am assuming most of you would have heard this term at least once. Also, pretty certain that a vast majority of you, are confused about it’s exact meaning. This (in)famous yog comes a lot during the marriage consultations and has been blamed a lot in almost 95% of cases as a marriage breaker. But …