yellow yellow… dirty fellow… sitting on a buffalo The greatest riddle that one can encounter is that, “how is it, that the first rhyme that students of Crescent High School, Pune, manage to learn is yellow yellow..when the rhyme is actually making a mockery of themselves” Alternating Yellow(P) and White(S) form the basic backbone of …
I expected Shakuntala Devi, rather, maybe desiring a break from the current doom and gloom around Corona, I wanted Shakuntala Devi to be a cheerful movie. More like Tumhari Sulu, lighthearted, with my ambassador of smiles, Vidyabalan. To a certain degree, Vidyabalan’s smiling posters for the movie reinforced my expectations. Needless to say, Shakuntala Devi …
In the previous chapter, we explored different data types and carried out algebraic operations. We created a simple Python program to calculate the area of a circle with the radius as an input. Now, let’s put these concepts into practice by solving another problem – the problem of ages. Amita and Madhur are two sisters. …