I am categorizing the articles by chapter and page number. for Example the first post has a Title : 2.pg18 Herein ‘2’ is the Chapter (Section) number and pg 18 is page number 18. So it means Chapter 2 has been discussed up to page number 18 These page number are based on …
In colloquial Marathi, we have a phrase, (तुझी उंची किती तु करतोयस काय ) which loosely translates as — How tall you are and what are you attempting to do. An evident mismatch between ability and intention. And a perfect example of it is Arsenal, the skill it has, and the way they want to …
Let’s jump directly into some programming. Using concepts learned so far, let’s create a program to calculate the average height of three students (three_average.py) three_average.py# program to calculate average height of three students # get input of height_a1= float(input(“Enter height of first student (cm): “))_a2= float(input(“Enter height of second student (cm): “))_a3= float(input(“Enter height of …