If it is a matter of learning or understanding astrology, the way we understand basic biology, chemistry etc, then the fundamental question is the question of utility? Very relevant as India is in the process of formulating a new education policy. And education is definitely a matter of utility, unless you live in Scandinavia. Why …
The writing of sci-fi movies in Hollywood must be going something like this, so it is, there is a big problem, a grand science/tech solution is envisaged, it causes grander (unintended! unforeseen) complications resulting in lots of VFX done disasters, which is followed by a neat trick to stop it, close shave in the climax, …
जब ता’लीम का वक़्त था, हम मोहब्बत में मसरूफ़ थे, दुनिया-दारी सीख न पाए, बस बहते ही रह गए, कोई मसला नहीं, क्यूंकि जब वक़्त आया, तो तुम्हींने दुनिया-दारी सीखा दी, काश मै अच्छा तालिब-इल्म ना होता, माद्दियत से बच कर अपनी रूहकी मा’सूमियत महफ़ूज़ रख पाता, मोहब्बत में मसरूफ़, अंटा-ग़फ़ील, मख़्मूर, बेवक़ूफ़, यही हमारी …